Enhancing Teacher Wellbeing through the Transformative Power of AI

Love it or hate it, AI is making a huge impact on the world around us. We examine how educators can embrace AI as a powerful ally towards positive mental health and wellbeing.

Zeena Hicks

5/31/20234 min read

We have been working with schools individually for almost two decades and there is no doubt in our minds that teachers have an incredibly important role, inspiring, nurturing and positively shaping young minds. With the increase in demands, paperwork, and pressure on educators, it is more crucial than ever to have an impenetrable foundation for wellbeing, with quick access to information and resources to support themselves, as well as their pupils (and parents too!).
A rising amount of digital technologies now feature in many classrooms, and the artificial intelligence (AI) trend is starting to open up new avenues for learning and mental health care (1). Love it or hate it, we felt it would be good to explore ways in which teachers and all those working with children could embrace AI as a powerful ally in your wellbeing journeys.
Self-Care Made Easier

Teachers often face a multitude of responsibilities and demands that can take a toll on mental and physical wellbeing. That's why prioritising self-care is crucial for maintaining balance and resilience. AI-powered apps and chatbots can be your virtual companions on this journey, providing practical support and gentle nudges to prioritise your wellbeing (2). These AI tools offer personalised reminders, guided mindfulness exercises, and stress-management techniques, making it easier for you to take care of yourself amidst your busy schedule.

Personalised Stress Management

Research has shown that AI tools can provide personalised stress management support by analysing your stress levels based on various factors such as workload, schedules, and external stressors. Armed with this knowledge, AI can offer tailored recommendations such as scheduling breaks, suggesting relaxation techniques, or offering breathing exercises, helping you alleviate stress and enhance overall wellbeing.

Virtual Mentors and Support

As an educator, it's natural to seek inspiration and guidance from experienced coaches and mentors. AI can introduce you to virtual mentorship programs where you can interact with other educators, gain insights from their experiences, and receive valuable advice. Virtual mentors can provide motivation, share innovative teaching strategies, and offer support during challenging times, nurturing your professional growth and wellbeing.

AI can introduce you to virtual mentorship programs, where you can interact with other educators, gain insights from their experiences, and receive valuable advice. Virtual mentors can provide motivation, share innovative teaching strategies, and offer support during challenging times, nurturing your professional growth and wellbeing.

Collaboration and Resource Sharing

AI-based platforms and online communities can connect educators from around the globe, fostering collaboration and resource sharing. Through these networks, you can exchange teaching ideas, access lesson plans, and gain inspiration from fellow educators. AI algorithms can assist you to find relevant content tailored to your teaching style and subject, helping you discover new pedagogical approaches and enhancing your professional development.

Efficient Workflows

Time management is crucial for reducing stress and maintaining a positive work-life balance. AI-powered productivity tools can streamline your workflows, helping you accomplish tasks more efficiently (3). These tools can automate administrative duties, generate lesson plans, organise schedules, and provide reminders for important deadlines. By simplifying routine tasks, AI frees up time for self-care and creative teaching endeavours.

Embracing AI for wellbeing in the classroom
Embracing AI for wellbeing in the classroom
Here are seven of our favourite apps, which are either using, or are driven by, AI to support positive mental health, productivity, and general wellbeing:

Woebot: An AI-powered chatbot that offers cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques, mindfulness exercises, and mood tracking to promote wellbeing and support mental health (4).

Calm: A popular meditation and sleep app that is supported by AI to deliver personalised mindfulness exercises, guided meditations, and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. They have free resources for teachers to use in the classroom.

Headspace: An AI-powered meditation app that provides guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices to enhance wellbeing and promote stress reduction. it's free for educators too.

Aura: An AI-driven mindfulness app that offers personalised daily mindfulness exercises, gratitude practices, and stress-reduction techniques to foster a positive mindset and emotional wellbeing.

Fabulous: A fun, and very visual, habit-tracking app that uses AI to provide personalised self-care routines, morning rituals, and daily challenges to improve focus, productivity and overall wellbeing.

Youper: An emotional health assistant that uses AI to provide personalised recommendations, mood tracking, and guided conversations to enhance self-awareness, manage stress, and improve emotional wellbeing.

Trello: While not specifically AI-powered, Trello is a popular project management app that can be utilised by teachers to organise tasks and deadlines. It offers a visual and collaborative platform where teachers can create boards, cards, and checklists to manage lesson plans, assignments, and other administrative duties, getting ahead of the game!.


Whilst, we are still unsure of where AI is heading, for now, it is providing some great resources to support educators, offering guidance, encouragement, and practical support. It is, of course, important to strike a balance between adopting AI tools and embracing the irreplaceable human connection that lies at the heart of education. Seek out and embrace the camaraderie and support of fellow teachers, engage in self-reflection, and continue to prioritise your own wellbeing.

All educators have an incredible opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. By taking care of your own mental health, you not only enhance your personal wellbeing but also create a nurturing environment that fosters learning and growth. Embrace the possibilities that AI brings, and let it be a tool that enhances your teaching journey, allowing you to thrive as an educator and as an individual.

  1. D’Alfonso, S. (2020). AI in mental health. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 112-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2020.04.005

  2. Devaram, S. (2020). Empathic chatbot: Emotional intelligence for empathic chatbot: Emotional intelligence for mental health well-being. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09130. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2012.09130

  3. Celik, I., Dindar, M., Muukkonen, H., & Järvelä, S. (2022). The promises and challenges of artificial intelligence for teachers: A systematic review of research. TechTrends : For Leaders in Education & Training, 66(4), 616–630. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-022-00715-y

  4. Fitzpatrick, K. K., Darcy, A., & Vierhile, M. (2017). Delivering cognitive behavior therapy to young adults with symptoms of depression and anxiety using a fully automated conversational agent (Woebot): A randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mental Health, 4(2), e19. doi:10.2196/mental.7785